Consequences Movie Review

Image result for 'Consequences' ('Posiedice'): Film Review | TIFF 2018
The element make a big appearance from Slovenian chief Darko Stante stars Matej Zemljic as a disturbed high schooler in an asylum close Ljubljana.
The morning following a night of (offscreen) lovemaking, a built adolescent takes a gander at the person resting beside him. The sleepyhead is likewise the greatest harasser of all at the shelter for young people where the teenager arrived not very far in the past. Also, take a gander at them now. This exquisite and extremely downplayed minute, apparently caught on the fly, is the deplorable focus of Consequences (Posledice), the element make a big appearance from Slovenian chief Darko Stante. Disastrous, in light of the fact that not so significantly later, the two choose to go to and eat comprising of espresso and … kebab (despite everything they have intense person personas to maintain in broad daylight, so no mimosas or characteristics). In any case, at that point the domineering jerk turned-sweetheart all of a sudden chooses to avoid the kebab so he can go and see his better half. The expression on the substance of the hero, an enfant frightful with a ton of repressed annoyance and hurt within him, is one of crushed loathsomeness, as though the short snapshot of satisfaction he encountered lapsed before he could even consider how to conceivably broaden it into what's to come.

The arrangement, generally amidst the film, oversees on the double to be a private cut of life and a honorably packed proposal of the principle character's passionate many-sided quality and difficulty. In any case, the pave the way to this minute is somewhat long and not too memorable, while the whole third act isn't just threadbare yet in addition so abundantly foreshadowed that the entire thing feels like an inevitable end product before it has even begun. All things considered, the exhibitions and Stante's unpleasant edged, narrative like interpretation of the material are both intriguing to watch and the dramatization could fit into the lineups of grandstands of youthful movie producers and LGBTQ celebrations and merchants.

The main thing about the strong 18-year-old Andrej (Matej Zemljic) that dependably is by all accounts perfectly all together is his hair. His life is a shambles and toward the beginning of Consequences, he's sent to a "young confinement focus" on the edges of Ljubljana by a judge. Obviously toward the finish of her tie, Andrej's mom (Rosana Hribar) appears to be happy if not really glad that her adolescent reprobate child will be out of her hands amid the week. Be that as it may, similar to the next issue kids at the asylum, if he's on his best conduct, he'll be permitted to go home on ends of the week.

That doesn't occur time and again, it turns out, as Andrej endeavors to discover his orientation at the inside. His self observer of a flat mate, Luka (Lovro Zafred), appears to be pretty chill at first, however Andrej is promptly shocked the forceful alpha conduct of Zeljko (Timon Sturbej). Nicknamed Zele, the child is somewhat littler however significantly more scary than Andrej. He barely bats an eyelash at the prospect of hopping the line at lunch and grabbing other children's plate or cigarettes. Far more detestable, he utilizes the few individuals in his great graces as attendants for his filthy work, as the kid needs cash for alcohol and medications yet he can't get his hands grimy since he's being viewed.

Stante, who compose the content too, has the troublesome undertaking here of recommending the numerous contrasts among Zele and Andrej, who are both in the middle due to the equivalent agitated foundation and their entire rejection of grown-up power figures. He to a great extent succeeds in light of the fact that Zemljic is great at proposing Andrej's all the more fair and reluctant side without making these vibe bizarre. Out of his component when he arrives and desiring a smoke, Andrej demonstrates a speck of fairness toward his associates who may have a cigarette for him, something Zele, who dependably acts like he's owed everything, could never do.

For the most part, the element experiences account equalization and beat issues that are very normal when executives hop from shorts to the full length design. In the main scene, for instance, Andrej flies into an attack of fury when he can't get it up when making out with a young lady — a fairly hackneyed portending of his sexual introduction — however Stante at that point hauls out the "disclosure" of his homosexuality for half of the running time. Maybe that Slovenian gatherings of people may need to warm to that a muscular and contentious high schooler hero could be gay yet abroad, where the pic will only be showcased to the LGBTQ specialty, this doesn't feel so much like a disclosure as an affirmation that was bound to happen. It is simply after that point that the plot can at long last change gears.

The star of the film is unmistakably Zemljic, who indicated guarantee in Sonja Prosenc's Karlovy Vary rivalry title History of Love and who here plays his first significant lead job and keeps running with it. Despite the fact that not a great deal of backstory is thought about his character and he isn't really quite a bit of a talker, Andrej's reasoning is in every case completely straightforward. What's more, this enthusiastic clarity makes his numerous failure and catastrophe simply more relatable. Inverse him, Sturbej exceeds expectations at proposing Zele's guileful nature veiled by an unstable outside, yet Stante as a screenwriter doesn't give the baddie and his business as usual everything that many hazy areas. This makes the whole third act feel like an untimely idea since a confrontation among Andrej and Zele is unmistakably what the story is set out toward from the beginning. Furthermore there is one noteworthy unsolved enigma as Zele's own proclivities, which could have furnished his reprobate character with more enthusiastic unpredictability yet which is overlooked here for remaining nearer to Andrej's point of view.

Stante has said that the account was motivated by his own work in youth detainment focuses yet strangely, he portrays the general population running where Zele and Andrej are sent as yellow, groveling grown-ups who for the most part let the children do whatever they need. All things considered, his experience is felt in the exceptionally sensible manner by which he depicts the earth and the loaded connections between the wayward young people. At last, Andrej and his associates are on the whole searching for an approach to explore this cruel world. On the off chance that somebody snuffs out a shortcoming, that could be the finish of you. Results asks how, in world where this is by all accounts the main administer, there can be any space for adoration.

Generation organizations: Temporama, Zwinger Film, Nu Frame

Cast: Matej Zemljic, Timon Sturbej, Gasper Markun, Lovro Zafred, Rosana Hribar, Dejan Spasic, Blaz Setnikar, Iztok Drabik Jug, Lea Cok

Author executive: Darko Stante

Makers: Jerca Jeric, Andraz Jeric,

Chief of photography: Rok K. Nagode

Generation fashioner: Spela Kropusek

Outfit fashioner: Ina Ferlan

Editorial manager: Sara Gjergek

Scene: Toronto International Film Festival (Discovery)

Deals: Wide Management

In Slovenian

95 minutes


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